Navigating your Best Life using your human design
I’m so happy to welcome you here – it’s time to embody your design and live your best life now! Here at Human Design Oracle, the whole aim is to get you comfortable with you truly are, so that you can start making the big, bold life moves you know you’re capable of making. Let’s bring it on!

My story
I’m Laura – it’s great to meet you!
My world completely changed when I discovered Human Design back in 2019. I had heard the words ‘Human Design’ a few times in the circles I was in – and was totally intrigued.
After finding out that I’m a 4/6 Splenic Manifestor, I was compelled to learn more – and I’ve never looked back.
Understanding who I am, why I act the way I do, why I’m drawn to certain things, why my energy ebbs and flows the way it does – I felt like I had suddenly had so many of the BIG questions answered for me – in a way that made total sense.
And then when I started exploring the Human Design of my friends and family, so much fell into place. Instead of judging or feeling confused by peoples actions, I started to deeply understand why others behave the way they do too.
Like a giant jigsaw puzzle, we all fit together perfectly to make up the whole picture of society. I LOVE the fact that by understanding ourselves and our energy better, that we are able to make the very most of our lives in an empowered, confident and clear way.
I feel so happy and lucky that I now get to live out my Human Design in a deeply satisfying way for me, that brings me so much peace and joy. If you’re ready to start learning more about your Human Design, check out the 67-page, fully personalized Book here:
Laura x
Founder, Human Design Oracle
Get into the Human design oracle experience here…
I want you to be able to navigate your life with confidence and joy – using your Human Design to make things easier and more enjoyable for you. Check out the ways I can help you do that below!