Welcome to The Human Design Blog

I’m so glad you’re here and I can’t wait to share my Human Design Blog with you. As a 4/6 Splenic Manifestor, I have my own unique viewpoint on all things Human Design – I’m here to inspire, invigorate and catalyse you into action – so if that sounds right up your street, then enjoy all the goodness I’ve poured into this Human Design Blog for you! Laura x




get your free human design chart hereBook in for your human Design catalyst 1:1 session with laura
Human Design – How to read your Chart 

Human Design – How to read your Chart 

Start your Human Design Journey Here If you're brand new to Human Design, the first thing that you're going to want to do is get your personal body graph created. You can create your free human design chart right here. Once you have created your unique Human Design...